sábado, junio 13, 2009

Las 10 mejores revistas para seguir en Twitter

Twitter es una excelente herramienta si se trata de crear un red de información periodística, en especial si la misión no es subir los índices del Analytics sino entender hacia dónde va la industria y cuáles son los principales temas de discusión. Esta semana Alan Mutter abrió una cuenta para Newsosaour (@newsosaour) y en pocos minutos ya tenía más de 100 followers. Por eso la lista de los periodistas que hacen mejor uso de Twitter no deja de aumentar y con cifras bastante impresionantes: "Meet the Press" de David Gregory (528,356 followers), MSNBC's Rachel Maddow (506,951), National Public Radio con Scott Simon (360,861), y el columnista de tecnología del New York Times David Pogue (306,371). Los políticos pueden sacar muy buenas ideas de cómo esta red social puede ser una poderosa herramienta de promoción. Pero también deben aprenden los medios, de cómo ajustar los robots o poner a alguien a darle sabor a sus propios twitteos. Nuevamente la diferencia de unos sobre otros (¿darwinismo periodístico?) nos abre el camino para clasificar las mejores revistas en Twitter. Las que no usan robots, eligen sus mejores contenidos, dialogan con sus seguidores, tienen un editor (o varios) y no saturan. ¿Toda una ciencia, no?

Wired (@wired)
A paean to human achievement, especially when that achievement involves building a $10,000, fully functional R2-D2.Best recent
Tweet: Beautiful garbage (rendered by a sculptor, depicted in a photo gallery): http://tinyurl.com/mho4qn
Runner-up: Q: How many helium balloons would it take to lift a house? A: http://is.gd/Jht52.

Good (@GOODfeed)
A magazine about all things, well... good—as in admirable and philanthropic. But it's also good as in badass.Best recent
Tweet: You Stay Classy, G. Gordon Liddy http://ow.ly/aqiw
Runner-up: World’s Best Trash Cans Come to Philly http://ow.ly/9Kop

The Week (@TheWeekMagazine)
With the tagline, "All You Need To Know About Everything That Matters," this is a brand made for the Twitterverse.Best recent
Tweet: In a recent survey, 80 percent of Britons said they "would choose a good night's sleep" over a night of sex http://digg.com/d1sOM3
Runner-up: Google Wave is what email would “look like if it were invented today” http://digg.com/d1sNpF

National Geographic (@NatGeoSociety)
The National Geographic Society is much more than a magazine, but then again, aren't we all these days? When they say "Coolest thing you'll see today," they mean it.Best recent
Tweet: Coolest thing you'll see today: monster-sized creatures that are the stuff of legend http://ow.ly/aouS
Runner-up: nostalgic for nudibranchs, neatest little creatures you'll see all day http://ow.ly/9Tkp - my fave: Chromodoris, what's yours?

Harper's (@harpers)
At the time of the magazine's founding in 1850, 140 characters couldn't buy you a good leeching. Harper's strength, though, is that it still prints long, thoughtful features and essays. These Twitter links are to shorter, but equally provoking stories. Best recent
Tweet: KEN SILVERSTEIN—Congressman Cantor and Cockfighting http://tinyurl.com/mqfg2r
Runner-up: KEN SILVERSTEIN—Math for Ambassadors: London Sells for $500,000 http://tinyurl.com/lssb8k

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